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Can Filler Look Natural?


Well placed filler that is chosen to balance your features and with the dynamics of your facial movement in mind can absolutely look natural!

Many people are put off by filler treatments as they have an over filled, ‘alienized’ image in their head. Sadly, over recent years, the trend for obviously ‘done’ lip fillers, ‘cut’ jaw filler and ‘pillowy’ cheek fillers has given all filler treatments a bad rep.

Not only do treatments like Russian lips or pixie tip noses try to morph your features into looking like someone other then yourself (celebs such as Kim Kardashian being a big go to), but there are serious negative implications on physical and mental health.

This is why you will never find me aiming to achieve anything other than harmony of your features and balance of your profile.

To understand how fillers look natural there is a little science and a few questions we need to answer.

What is filler?

Most dermal filler is made of hyaluronic acid. This is found naturally in skin and tissues and due to this can be broken down over time or easily dissolved if a complication arises.

Dermal fillers come in varying ‘textures’, ranging from thin liquids to very firm gels.

What is the safest dermal filler? What is the best dermal filler?

Because hyaluronic acid based fillers can be dissolved these are often thought as as the safest. However, it is important to be aware that all dermal filler treatment can come with risks. These are minimised by choosing a highly trained aesthetic practitioner that can also manage complications. Dermal fillers should always be obtained from a licensed medical pharmacy.

Dermal filler should be chosen for your specific needs. The thickness of the product will be chose depending on the area you want to treat and the strength of your skin and muscles as well as the way your face moves. Lip filler will often be much thinner in texture than a product chosen to be placed in a cheek filler treatment and often jawline and chin filler are the firmest.

There are a number of highly respected brands, such as Teoxane and Juvederm. These brands have been researched and tested. This is important when it comes to getting natural and safe results.

How much filler do I need?

Fillers look natural when the perfect amount of filler of the right texture is placed to replace volume that you have lost and to achieve profile balancing. A good practitioner will tell you what results you can likely expect from a certain volume but should never say you need more than you do.

Building volume over time is very important to achieve natural results. Lip fillers are a prime example here. If you put in too much product or if it is misplaced for your features, issues like migration are much more common. This is what causes a ‘trout pout’.

What can fillers treat?

Fillers purely replace volume and build structure.

To achieve a natural result, especially if you are considering particular treatments such as nasolabial filler (nose to mouth lines) to battle signs of aging, or tear trough filler to improve dark circles you need to be aware of other elements that contribute to what you are seeing.

Skin care and rejuvenating treatments that boost collagen, smooth texture and brighten pigmentation are very important to use along side any injectable treatments to ensure you get a truly natural look.

Muscle movement also influences features. Treatments such as a lip flip are great alternatives to lip filler for the right patients.

A natural look is a cohesive look and by far the best results come from full face rejuvenation or profile balancing. Simply opting for nasolabial filler (nose to mouth lines) but not replacing volume in the rest of the face such as with cheek filler (if you need it) ends up with a more obvious and in natural look.

Are you considering dermal fillers?

Choosing a medical practitioner that is highly trained in injectables but that also can advise on skin health and understands the processes that contribute to aging and lifestyle medicine will ultimately give you the best results.

During our consultations we discuss all options, ranging from things you can do at home in lifestyle and health through skincare, skin treatments to injectables. From least medicalised to most. There is never one size fits all.

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