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Is HIFU better than Morpheus 8?


Morpheus 8 is well known for its skin tightening benefits but this is just one brand leader in the world of energy base devices.

Morpheus 8 utilises radio frequency microneedling to target deep layers in the skin to produce heat and then stimulate collagen production and a tightening effect.

HIFU stands for high intensity focused ultrasound. This uses a different energy wave length to again focus energy and produce heat, but this time it is usually within deeper structural support layers of the face and not just the skin.

How does HIFU work?

The machine head is very much like a standard ultrasound scan. The probe uses precise technology to target the ultrasound at different depths within the skin, structural layers and fat. The energy waves are targetted to a very precise point to control their effects. At this point heat is produced. If this is within the deep layers of the skin and deeper structural support layers in the face this triggers tightening by triggering high production of collagen. If the energy is focused at fat pads this can trigger destruction of the fat cells over time and result in lessening of stubborn fat such as in a double chin.

How quickly does HIFU work?

Whilst you may see some tightening immediately the results tend to appear over 2-3 months. This is because it takes time for your body to produce collagen or for fat cell to gently disappear.

How long does HIFU last?

Depending on your age and how healthy your skin is results tend to last around 1 year.

How to make HIFU results last longer

As with anything that boosts skin health if you are giving your skin the building blocks it needs to repair, results will last longer. So by combining HIFU with prescription skin care or other skin treatments such as polynucleotides you will get longer and more rounder results. To boost the tightening effect if you are wanting to hold of jowls or keep jaw lines tight, it maybe that after HIFU, naturally placed fillers will contribute to further support and keep results lasting longer.

What does HIFU help with?

It is great to create a subtle but effective tightening look. If you have ever gently pulled back skin in the mirror to help with laxity or sagging this can create that effect. So if you are wanting to improve jowling, tech-neck or under eye bags or heavy eyes this is a great one for you.

It is also a fantastic option to help hold off the need for or reduce the volume of dermal fillers needed to get your ideal look.

  • jowling and marionette lines

  • Under-eye bags

  • Neck laxity and turkey neck

  • Postpartum belly changes

  • Laxity on thighs and arms

When is best to start HIFU?

HIFU is fantastic as a preventative antiaging treatment as well as to improve already visible signs of aging and laxity. Starting treatments like HIFU in your 30s, along side a great at home skincare routine and antiaging lifestyle will really help you stay looking your best. This is because our body is more able to make collagen at this age. Its ability to produce new collagen decreases as we age. This is not to say that having HIFU at an older age is not great either; it just means that for a given treatment slightly less healing is triggered.

In clinic I use the Lynton Focus Dual HIFU machine. This uses technology that is even more precise at targetting the ultrasound within the layers of our skin and supportive structures of the face. This allows us to get brilliant and safe results. To learn more about how HIFU could fit in with your antiaging routine book your consultation or read more blogs on other energy based devices.

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